July 18, 2007

Week 5, Thing 12

Rollyo- Difficult to read, lots of other stuff thrown in by the site (ads, etc). However...I can see how it would be a great place to keep separate lists of Favorite Sites on various topics to search by keyword. What a tool for students!http://www.rollyo.com/editroll.html?sid=302810

July 16, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11

LibraryThing has its place...great way to keep track of a reading list or two and to find read-alikes. The threads of discussions are fun. We can NEVER have too many spots for readers to share info with others. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/starryonder

July 10, 2007

Week Five, thing 10

Creating an avatar was fun...though a bit time-consuming. Also played on bighugelabs.com - I see lots of potential there!

Week four, Things 8&9

Set up my Blogline newsreader and chose from their lists for subscriptions. Had a little trouble with several of the feeds and blogs that did not come across properly. Checked back a few times to see if I could update; some did and some did not.
Really enjoyed Preetamrai's tutorial and worked through nearly all the tasks. Took a look at some of the others - but this one was best for me. Had great success with the subject search options and added two Flickr trackers to my feeds.
I can see how I might become hooked on this stuff for personal use! We are so inundated with information and this may just add fuel to the fire of TOO much info.
In libraries - I will use some of the book review sites to help me find reviews for books that are not available through conventional review sources. There are so many book lovers out there who want to talk about what they've read and enjoy. I was able to add to my feeds some sources that I keep up with in a disjointed way previously. Now they are all in one place for easy access! It seemed to me that many of the library blogs and feeds were very wordy...

I kept my blogroll private, so I can't complete the extra activity...just want to keep it to myself.

July 9, 2007

WeekThree, Thing #6

Took a look at colorpickr. It reminds me of putting together a "watercolor quilt" design, reducing a photo to its main color.

Week Three, Thing #7

Gardening/farming and technology have combined efforts to market organic products on the web at http://www.localharvest.org/. Localharvest sends an email each week with farm events and special offers from local farmers.

July 5, 2007

Week Three, Thing #5 Experimented beyond Flickr and uploaded a photo from my thumb drive

The cow turns her head to listen with keen interest as I rehash the ups and downs of my day. She shakes her head in agreement, wiggles her ears and snorts before she gives a gentle head-butt in my shoulder. Don't worry, she's saying, I'll be here when you get home...

July 3, 2007

Week two, Thing #3

What is the most difficult aspect of Lifelong Learning? Taking time to play.
What is easiest for me? Viewing problems as a new opportunity for learning.